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From the Where2sing.com forum:

Thank you for the clarification. I was only teasing.
Ah... Why couldn't you have met me BEFORE I dieted... My song choice is always expanding though. Been listening to some Marvin Gaye recently and am picking up some hints on how to hit certain notes and tones so when I master that, I'll be starting to encroach on el barto's territory then. lol. Sorry el barto! You're still the master though! Sing She's Like The Wind again will ya?

Speaking of repeat performances, I'm often bemoaning how other singers repeat the same songs over and over but now I am beginning to understand why. There seems to be some songs which not only does one feel comfortable with but the audience loves them and that is a lethal combination for getting anyone hooked into singing them again and again. Recently, I've fallen victim to this myself. Will Smith's 'Switch' and The Commitments' 'Show Me' and 'Hard To Handle' have been getting a workout from me of late. There's just something about when women scream in appreciation or hit the dance floor so's I can get a better look... It's just so damn rewarding! Maybe you're right in calling me Horny B, Narly! I can't seem to help myself! lol. You wouldn't happen to have an almost as attractive sister who likes her men to fit MY description, would ya? Heheheheh.

james.t.orr, PeterM and Rovics Karaoke...
I don't watch anything more than a few minutes of the Idol performances here and there at a time if I can help it. Usually, that's all I find necessary to see if someone's got something special or not.
I agree with your comments. The music industry 'just ain't what it used to be.' In some ways it's better. In others, it's worse as it really seems to have limited the options for up and coming talent. I would hope that we'll see a surge of independent labels coming to the fore but that only happens when consumers aren't spoon fed everything so easily, I think and I don't think any generation has been quite as spoon fed as today's. Still, nothing lasts forever as they say, so I hope that out of the darkness of today's commercialism, we will eventually move into the light of taste and appreciation.
Geez. I ought to be in Politics I use so many cliche's and metaphors! Yecch!

Submitted by Johnny B on 24-10-2005

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