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From the Where2sing.com forum:

Bob...... SNIP: 'Actually Rovics, I take your comments as being a personal attack on the reviews I did'....Oh Pleassse!....give me a break!!

Actually ....I also wrote a review about 18months ago..I loved that particular venue and the hosts of the day..They have since been replaced by another host.....who I also think are a lot of fun......My views are just that ...mine.....and at the end of the day my views are worth diddly squat in the overall scheme of things.

Unlike some ....We like to think that we are humble enough to take on board any constructive.....even negative crtiicism ....and if possible do something about it and over the past 2 years David has given us personally.... many good tips and advice on how to improve our own show and our business....some of which we have taken on board......others went into the 'too Hard basket' for review later.....Its Just a fact of life..if we( as hosts) present the public with a product (karaoke show)..then we should also be aware that we WILL leave ouselves open to review and critcism..and so it should be!!......and those who cannot attain a certain standard ....WILL fall by the wayside....That doesnt only go for Karaoke... but in all areas of business and life for that matter
Submitted by Rovics Karaoke on 21-04-2006

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